Another Soldier of the Cross Has Received His Promotion

by Sandra Conner — Guest Blogger

81To all the friends and readers of “A Walk in the Word”:

I am writing this post as a sort of “guest blogger” today, in that I am making an announcement on behalf of Ted Pavloff, the host of “A Walk in the Word.” Ted is my father, and I have the sad duty of letting all of you know that he passed from this earthly life on Friday, July 19, 2013. My dad gave his heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ when he was 12 years old, preached his first sermon at the age of 15, and faithfully loved and served Jesus for the rest of his 88 years on this earth. We know he is, right now, in the presence of Jesus Christ, rejoicing, and receiving great rewards for his service.

Dad’s greatest joy was sharing the Word and the power of God with others and helping them know God better. He was blessed to be used many times to lead others into the experience of salvation. He was used throughout his life in a healing ministry as well. He always had a deep love for the Jewish people and recognized that our Christian faith is simply the completion of the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and that the Christian believer is indebted to the faith of those same Jewish patriarchs, out of whose loins came our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Ted Pavloff will be greatly missed by his family, his friends, and the thousands of people that he ministered to throughout his lifetime. But he has gone on to become a member of that “great cloud of witnesses,” that the book of Hebrews tells us about. He is now cheering us on, encouraging us to run our race faithfully and finish the course as he has. And he is waiting to welcome each of us into that glorious place where there are no more tears, no more sorrowing, and no more death – but where light and love and life reign forever. One of his favorite phrases – which he became virtually famous for among Christians far and near – was, “Well … GLORY!”  I’m sure those were the first words he shouted when he crossed into the presence of the Lord.

Our family has decided that because sharing God’s Word was Dad’s life, we would be going against his wishes if we closed this site. So we will leave “A Walk in the Word” online, as it is, and pray that many people will be led by God’s Spirit to find this place and be touched, delivered, healed, and strengthened by these words of life and blessing.

My dad closed every service or meeting where he officiated with a blessing that was very dear to his heart. He prayed that blessing over every member of his family regularly, and I would like to leave you readers with those words because they carry God’s own life and blessing in them:

The Lord bless thee and keep thee:
The Lord make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace.”
(Numbers 6:24-26)

Obituary and Guest Book for Comments


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